오랜만입니다. 오페라 브라우저가 정말 많이 업데이트 되었습니다! 특히, 현지시간 3월 25일에 발표된 버전은 새 탭을 열 때 자동으로 주소 표시줄에 커서가 활성화 되지 않는 문제가 해결된 것 같더군요. 13일 전후로 업데이트를 살펴보지 못했기 때문에 이게 버그 해결이 된 건지 안 된 건지는 모르겠으나 현재 Ctrl + T로 탭을 열면 주소 표시줄에 자동으로 커서가 가서 URL을 입력할 수 있게 되어 있습니다.
이게 버그인지도 잘 모르겠지만, 전 정말 불편했었고 11.00 버전에는 없던 일인 만큼, 아쉬웠었는데 다시 정상으로 돌아온 것 같아 기쁩니다. 버그 리포트를 쓰고 싶어도 저 단어를 어찌 영어로 만들어야 할지를 모르니 답답하더군요.
이 글은 다음 빌드를 모두 포함한 수정 내역을 제공하며, 설치 파일은 최신 파일인 2040 빌드로 제공합니다.
포함되는 빌드 버전
- Builds 2040
- Builds 2042
- Builds 2045
- Builds 2047
- Builds 2048
- Builds 10.10Beta
- Builds 2053
- Builds 2064
어느 버전에서 어떤 업데이트가 되어 있는지 기록되어야 하겠지만, 그냥 한 곳에 합치겠습니다.
- Fixed a couple of issues causing crash on startup and crash in the installer
- CORE-1 (Missing support for SOCKS proxy): Still needs a UI but can be configured by opera:config#Proxy for now
- CORE-25395 (Partial CSS gradients support): Using the Opera -o- vendor prefix, Opera Presto supports: -o-linear-gradient() and -o-repeating-linear-gradient(), <gradient> is only supported in background and background-image, <gradient> is not supported in list-style-image and border-image
- CORE-32400 (Added native WebP support)
- CORE-36305 (Updates to Strings and translations)
- CORE-33382 (UserJS code not run in extensions if page does not include a script tag)
- CORE-34929 (Links in extension pages that try to open extension-internal urls in new windows don't work)
- CORE-35064 (The extension background process should be able to be reloaded correctly and without crashing)
- CORE-35180 (Crash on bottom aligned inline-block with unclosed, child paragraph)
- CORE-35209 (Extension pages should be allowed to navigate to other extension-internal pages via the location object)
- CORE-35248 (Extension-related windows with scriptless documents aren't closed when the extension is disabled)
- CORE-35350 (Widget Interface should be exposed on the user JS side of extensions)
- CORE-35492 (urlload/urlfinished events received in wrong order)
- CORE-35746 (Console object in Web Workers doesn't log anything to the error console)
- CORE-35898 (Tab urls exposed from extensions don't include the url's fragment identifier)
- CORE-36114 (Caret placement at line ends broken in contentEditable <pre> tags (wrapped lines case - causes problems in M2))
- CORE-36131 (Zooming in/out print preview for mail crashes Opera)
- CORE-36237 (The background process shouldn't be allowed to navigate away from the extension's index.html)
- CORE-26373 (Ease-in transition goes crazy (out of range) when second transition overrides it near the end)
- CORE-37229 (Crash when getting color from -o-skin)
- Crash fixes
- SOCKS has been temporarily disabled as it caused issues with other proxy servers
- Small fix so that the WOT extension works again
- Mac Plugin fixes
- More Mac plugin fixes
- CORE-36785 (Crash on widgets using Media Elements pointing to internal resources)
- CORE-37264 (Crash on futura-sciences.com, seoptimise.com, mitosyfraudes.org and others)
- CORE-37270 (Crash after uninstalling or disabling extension which uses tabs api)
- CORE-37285 (Crash when enabling Dragonfly)
- CORE-37287 (Crash on hovering floated element with transforms applied)
- CORE-27392 (Windowed plugin position not updated when moved in overflowed container)
- CORE-35963 (No smileys in mail composer's TinyMCE smiley popup on centrum.cz)
- CORE-37273 (extension.broadcastMessage fails for message handlers on userjs side)
- CORE-37169 (Fails to parse an XML document every second reload)
- CORE-37199 (Opera crashes on Tomato Firmware v1.28.1816 Status Device List page)
- Further crash fixes, and a memory leak fix
- CORE-35693 (Back from Google search result is inconsistent, sometimes goes back two pages, sometimes can't go back at all)
- CORE-36787 (Relatively positioned image links cut off on scroll)
- CORE-37071 (Accessing document in iframe appended from external script fails): Readability + Instapaper + Disqus
- CORE-37430 (Menus on dpreview.com stopped working)
- CORE-37330 (HTML response without have Content-type header causes Opera to display source code)
- CORE-36692 (Crash with games on zylom.com)
- DSK-330050 (Crash on startup when dialogs appear before the main window): Further fix
- DSK-330700 (Don't use the logo finder if a Speed Dial has a reload frequency set)
- DSK-330722 (Reload the page to view plug-in content toolbar shown despite Flash being previously installed)
- DSK-330746 (Default searches are not preserved after upgrade)
- DSK-330771 (View-mode="minimized" for Speed Dial doesn't trigger 260x195 viewport)
- DSK-330802 (Find a better default level for ThumbnailLogoPadding)
- DSK-330852 (Speed Dial animations cause leak)
- DSK-330876 (Crash when sorting a mail view and then switching between mail views)
- DSK-327363 (Make Opera Link work with Speed Dial 2.0)
- DSK-330888 (Overlay dialogs have broken alpha transparency on close animation)
- DSK-330957 (Prevent duplicate speed dials on upgrade)
- DSK-331003 (Fix reload policy for link)
- DSK-331005 (Crash on saving label for search in all messages)
- Some further crash fixes
- DSK-328906 (Crashes on tetris, browser-pong and some other extensions)
- Small skin fix
- Updated graphics for Speed Dial and callout dialogs
- Improved performance and resizability of internal pages
- DSK-328884 (Content blocker crashes when Opera Link is enabled)
- DSK-331458 (Opera occasionally writes files with cropped and/or corrupted names)
- DSK-330123 (If authentication with auth.opera.com fails, there is no error message)
- DSK-325398 (Opera crashed when switching to other programs, folders etc. in Windows 7)
Speed Dial
- Improvements to Speed Dial synchronization, including ordering and merging on upgrade
- Speed Dial options consolidated in configure dialog
- Speed Dial automatic zooming
- Speed Dial options instantly applied
- Speed Dial '+' can now be hidden from the Configure dialog
- Added options for 2, 6 and 7 Speed Dial columns
- DSK-330828 (Add option to have two column Speed Dial layout)
- DSK-330094 (Speed Dial does not create a thumbnail for baidu.com)
- DSK-330473 (Thumbnail content is blurred if Speed Dial is zoomed using arrow keys on Zoom menu)
- DSK-330923 (Speed Dial 'Configure..' button isn't translated)
- DSK-330924 (Using mouse scroll on zoom slider in regular page scrolls Speed Dial)
- DSK-299654 (Speed Dial page looses focus after reloading on Mac)
- DSK-329715 (Speed Dial preview is wrong)
- DSK-329382 (Tab jumping on Speed Dial doesn't autoscroll)
- DSK-329476 (Can't drag a tab/link/url into Speed Dial)
- DSK-330321 (Speed Dial add dialog repositioned when hovering Configure Speed Dial button)
- DSK-330465 (Speed Dial thumbails hovering doesn'twork using TAB key)
- DSK-330843 (Speed Dial '+' thumbnail is set to selected (which looks a lot like hover) after cancelling add dialog)
- DSK-331064 (Speed Dial thumbnail autoreload sends only first request for custom URL if it contains only server name without / at the end)
- DSK-329896 (Ctrl+middle mouse click does not work)
- DSK-329973 (Large space to the left of Speed Dial thumbnails when window is resized to show one column)
- DSK-331040 (Tabbing on Speed Dial doesn't cycle selection back to the top)
- DSK-331041 (Speed Dial auto-scrolling sometimes scrolls you to the bottom of the page incorrectly)
- DSK-331152 (Maintain tab-key press flow between thumbnails after they are swapped)
- DSK-331173 (Speed Dial autoscroll doesn't scroll up nicely)
- DSK-331297 (Number of Speed Dial columns decreases when clicking 'Configure')
- DSK-331175 (Speed dial autoscrolling does not scroll back to the top when tabbing cycles back to the top)
- DSK-329975 (Web page zoom level button displays wrong zoom level if 2 windows are opened)
- Added animation for closed tabs on Mac
- DSK-330653 (Speed Dial options should be centered on non compositing systems)
- DSK-330928 (Pasting primary UNIX buffer on Speed Dial stopped working)
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