오페라 브라우저가 업데이트 되었습니다. 지난 번에 바라쿠다의 이름으로 스피드 다이얼의 개혁을 선언했는데요. 확실히 너무 커서 불편했습니다. 스크롤도 너무 빡빡했고.. 이번에 스피드 다이얼에 대한 지원이 대폭 강화되어, 설정도 추가 되었습니다. 가장 크게는 스피드 다이얼의 줌을 가능하게 해 예전 유저들도 포용할 수 있다는 점과, 스크롤을 더 부드럽게 해 주었습니다. 다만, 아직 새 탭을 눌렀을 때 바로 주소 표시줄이 선택되지 않는 문제는 해결이 되지 않았습니다.
이번 업데이트의 중요한 부분!
Speed Dial
- Added a button to configure Speed Dial
- Added the ability to set the number of Speed Dial columns (automatic by default)
- Speed Dial can now be zoomed
- New dialog when adding/editing Speed Dials
- It is now possible to add a custom title to Speed Dials, through the new add/edit dialog
- Support for phrase searching
- Improved CJK searches
- Fixes to the panel, including a setting to disable automatic toggling
- Added support for CSS3 multi-column layout
알려진 문제점
- Crash on startup when combining a master password with Opera Link
- The Speed Dial configuration button can disappear outside the window
- Opera link is not working
- Address bar not focused when starting Opera with extensions
- Tabs opened by extensions open to the left instead of the right
- Using the Content Blocker while logged in to Opera Link can cause a crash
- Ctrl+Shift+V opening in a new background tab
- Slightly older skin
- Mac: No HTML5 media playback
- Mac: International font settings are not remembered
- Mac: Broken Cyrillic local paths
- Linux/FreeBSD: Multi problems with plugins. We suggest you temporarily disable them via "Preferences > Advanced > Content" or you will have crashes and disappearing tabs
- Linux/FreeBSD: Cannot copy text from certain applications on 64bit
- Linux/FreeBSD: Workspace is incorrect with the X11 toolkit
- Linux/FreeBSD: Tooltips re-appear and remain after clicking on the Opera sys tray icon twice
- Linux/FreeBSD: Opera crashes on exit after hiding to systray, whilst a dialog is displayed
수정된 문제점
- Implemented CSS multi-column support
- Turbo tweaks and improvements
- Updated strings and translations
- Crash fixes
- CORE-2379 (Missing redraw when removing position:fixed elements overlaying other fixed elements)
- CORE-6342 (NPN_PushPopupsEnabledState doesn't work with NPN_Evaluate (some plugin popups blocked))
- CORE-13209 (Failed repaint when removing fixed positioned element that overlaps body padding/margin)
- CORE-23609 (Fixed positioned elements not invalidated properly when removed)
- CORE-23644 (Failed redraw when hiding parent of a fixed position element)
- CORE-29833 (Incorrect parsing of JS array literal)
- CORE-30098 (Content with position: fixed and top placement is not hidden)
- CORE-32345 (Crashing when closing www.eksisozluk.com)
- CORE-32489 (Top menu sometimes disappears when clicking buttons on google docs)
- CORE-32740 (Opera crashes loading svg webfont TC)
- CORE-32964 (Dynamically setting display:none doesn't properly repaint fixed-position descendant)
- CORE-33943 (Focusing iframe scrolls it on screen)
- CORE-33951 (TR added to TBODY via HTML string insertion loses attributes)
- CORE-34902 (Setting ancestor to visibility:hidden doesn't redraw a position:fixed element (redrawing error on twitter.com))
- CORE-35055 (Cookies on "localhost", "" are not returned by GetCookie (Cookie-Manager service))
- CORE-35090 (Paste from right-click menu creates unformatted text even inside formatted blocks with CKEditor)
- CORE-35299 (Opera crashes while spatnav on rapidshare.com page)
- CORE-35515 (Opera freezes while loading <canvas> elements on https://clubcompy.com/ )
- CORE-35586 (Javascript problem checking if window (pop-up) is closed - window.closed undefined)
- CORE-35587 (window.closed throws exception after window from other origin is closed (tuenti SNS popup fail (showModalDialog issue)))
- CORE-35642 (document.write from timed script clears page)
- CORE-35836 (thenounproject.com - Can't download zip files from the noun project.)
- CORE-36161 (Doing location.replace on iframe and reading out iframe's document before load fails on orkut.com)
- CORE-36209 (Broken data received from GetResource)
- CORE-36387 (Add a command to get a resource id with an URL in the resource service for DragonFly)
- CORE-36392 (HTML5 video crashes when files are hosted on ftp server)
- Added zooming to the new Speed Dial flow layout
- Added an option to fix the number of columns in Speed Dial flow layout
- Re-introduce the button for configuring Speed Dial
- Update the dialog for adding a Speed Dial
Crash fixes
- DSK-278988 (Prevent Opera from opening an infinite number of tabs when a mime type is set to use Opera's executable as an external application)
- DSK-305792 (Menu button misplaced in a restored window when Tab Bar is set to wrap to multiple lines)
- DSK-313442 (Opera's tooltip appears in front of another applications when hovered element has mouse event listener)
- DSK-321386 (Multiple lines get selected in Advanced Preferences - Storage)
- DSK-322308 (Cut string in the startup dialog in some languages)
- DSK-322487 (Search engines with non-ASCII characters in the address do not work)
- DSK-326001 (Cut text featured in the Crash Report window - remaining languages)
- DSK-328009 (Mousegesture blob shrinks to nothing)
- DSK-328082 (Rocker gesture actions are displayed in the mousegesture UI)
- DSK-328284 (www.http// added to urls when urls opened from auto complete dropdown in urlfield)
- DSK-328301 (Crash on pressing save in internal source viewer)
- DSK-328641 (In Image Properties, exposure time is sometimes slightly off)
- DSK-251786 (Progress bar percentage goes haywire when importing a large mbox)
- DSK-257937 (Rounded corners on the "No message selected" Mail/Feeds page)
- DSK-317644 (Opening a feed tab *also* opens the "Mail" Panel)
- DSK-320350 (Moving mouse in new mail panel while in drag state doesn't scroll super scrollbar)
- DSK-320676 (Hovering over collapsed access point in new mail panel while in drag state should expand the access point so you can continue dragging to a view)
- DSK-327987 (Enter a feed, delete the feed, click a column header -> crash)
- DSK-327701 (Feed labels not showing in message list after restart)
- DSK-328311 (Log files can be stored in the wrong location)
- Double quotes should search for whole phrase in mail
- DSK-270600 (Many CSS3 cursors don't display on Windows)
- DSK-285327 (Pasting copied cells from Excel into body of text/html compose body inserts table markup without opening and closing table tags (StartFragment and EndFragment))
- DSK-300587 (Picasa won't start properly, when called by Opera)
- DSK-306701 (Opera's submenus do not appear on hover)
- DSK-327651 (NPAPI plugins not detected)
- DSK-328105 (Windows classic native skin uses black text on dark progress bar in the address field)
- DSK-328186 (Mouse panning stopped working on mainline)
- DSK-328894 (Drag and Drop to Attachments Field Opens Files in Opera on Windows)
- DSK-295262 (Command-Shift-F shortcut for Full Screen)
- DSK-314922 (Opera Browser "Save As..." doesn't give choices for filename extension)
- DSK-316249 (The correct color from colorpicker is not applied in mail)
- DSK-327029 (Check marks inconsistent in View > Encoding)
- DSK-328531 (Unintentionally using Helvetica instead of Lucida Grande in panels)
- DSK-326376 (Opera uses predefined RGB color mask instead of querying X Server): Opera is the wrong color when accessed remotely via a PPC or SPARC
- DSK-327324 (KDE File selector can not save to a non-existing file)
- DSK-327398 (Wrong text color for menu bar buttons for some KDE widget styles)
- DSK-327772 (Opera shows up with black content. Nothing gets drawn.)
- DSK-327986 (Popup menus do not support identical shortcuts and hardcoded shortcuts can provoke two shortcuts in the same menu item)
- DSK-328124 (WM_CLASS(STRING) for some dialogs not visible on GTK)
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