오페라 브라우저가 업데이트 되었습니다. 사실 업데이트 쪽은 10.62에서 많이 되었는데, ^^;; 그건 귀찮아서.. 아니 힘들어서 못했고, 간만에 10.70이 업데이트 되었군요. 그러나 이번 버전과 지난 버전은 사용을 추천하지 않습니다. 갑자기 깨지는 문제가 발생합니다. 사실 9044 이전의 빌드에서는 종료 시 버그 리포트가 떴는데요. 이번에 보니 그건 해결된 것 같습니다. -> CORE-31651 (Crash on exit)
그런데 이제는 그냥 작동이 중지되는군요. 그런 것이 상관 없다면 설치하세요. 나름대로 코어 업데이트가 많습니다. Mac에 관련한 파일이 하나 없는 것은 오페라가 POWERPC에 대한 지원을 중지하였기 때문입니다.
- A big Core update. This means that the Presto version number is now updated to 2.6.34. Apart from various fixes, there is also a improved opera:plugins page.
Core 부분의 큰 업데이트가 있었습니다. Presto 버전이 2.6.34로 업데이트 되었고, 많은 수정이 있었습니다. Opera Plugin 페이지도 향상되었습니다. - MSI upgrades should now work again!
MSI Upgrade가 다시 작동합니다! - The Unix people worked on the packaging for Unix builds (including smaller deb and tar packages, better integration with desktop environments and window managers after initial install and new --prefix and --repackaging options for the tar packages).
Unix 사용자에 대한 편의성 향상 (먼 소린지.. 긴 문장은..) - Start bar blankness should be cured.
Start Bar의 공백은 곧 수정될 것입니다. - Mac fixes
Mac에 관련한 수정이 있었습니다. - And a bunch of other fixes.
많은 수의 기타 사항에 대한 수정이 있었습니다.
- Mail panel work, see above
- DSK-268103 (Mail Compose toolbar is not customizable, changes lost after closing the Compose tab)
- DSK-308395 (In All Messages/Sent, threaded mode hides initial sent messages that started a thread)
- DSK-299649 (Unable to subscribe to RSS feed)
- DSK-288813 (Can't close 'font' dialog in mail compose window)
- DSK-309979 (Unread count out of sync in mail)
- DSK-308591 (Crash on selecting mail account in Mail Compose)
- Fixed errors with plain text signature editing
- DSK-266308 (Crash related to Master Password dialog on startup)
- DSK-270935 (Context menu translation ru-en and en-ru is missed in russian version of Opera)
- DSK-274371 (Mouse gestures don't always work on application background unless UI is activated)
- DSK-281118 (Not sending referrer when using anything but Left Mouse Button)
- DSK-283782 (Widgets menu open links in active tab)
- DSK-286253 (Password manager toolbar blank/empty/white when opera:config#UserPrefs|SpeedDialState=3)
- DSK-298346 (Start Bar blanked out after opening background tab)
- DSK-304368 (Opera might crash on dragging bookmarks)
- DSK-307157 (Crash with "Custom Bookmark Merge File" in operaprefs.ini)
- DSK-307793 (Middle-click panning does not work in frames)
- DSK-307888 (Crash with action "Show search")
- DSK-308939 (Bookmarks and Notes are sent on first sync even when disabled)
- DSK-309075 (Offline mode doesn't work)
- DSK-309308 (Forward is not working on frame content)
- DSK-310379 (Private tabs and using F2 "Go to page" address field results in stored url)
- DSK-310749 (Bookmark menu is as wide as the longest title)
- DSK-310987 (Opera freezes when you try to import a very large bookmark file)
- DSK-311317 (Default mouse configuration is a mess)
- DSK-311558 (Crash after leaving a page with a flash with wmode="transparent")
- DSK-311738 (Bodyless documents crash in accessibility mode)
- DSK-284640 (Status Bar becomes black in a not maximized window on restart after enabling the Menu Bar (Aero))
- DSK-304850 (installing opera 10.60 windows over-writes saved search preferences)
- DSK-307434 (Using Full Screen from the context menu mangles the status bar and tab bar when coming out of full screen)
- DSK-311564 (The MSI installer may fail when upgrading an existing installation)
- DSK-248015 (Cannot upload or send Mac file bundles (should compress to .zip)
- DSK-264158 (Include system wide option Special Characters ... in Edit menu)
- DSK-276004 (Support for printing forms)
- DSK-293917 (Modal dialog hides below browser if opera is clicked)
- DSK-296183 (Cannot paste in Save dialog)
- DSK-296978 (Entire widget UI is in English only) (still a problem on first run)
- DSK-298450 (Will not quit without mouse events)
- DSK-298918 (Cmd + Shift + { or } Shortcut Inconcistency)
- DSK-300561 (Pushed buttons should get pressed status (blue background) not selection (focus ring))
- DSK-301506 (UNIX editing keys on Mac works twice as expected)
- DSK-303469 (HTML5 video, animated gif animations and downloads stop playing when context menu is open)
- DSK-304194 (-help crashes Opera)
- DSK-309371 (Should fallback to image icon and not attempt to display large images when dragging)
- DSK-309450 (Can't create new window by dragging tab in Windows panel)
- DSK-309751 (Wrong select option selected when using optgroup)
- DSK-309832 (Hidden mouse cursor over plug-in area remains hidden when moving mouse out of plug-in area (also leaks though tabs))
- DSK-309849 ("Back" mouse gesture (right hold + left click) causes an extra click)
- DSK-310006 (Paints plug-in on UI when overflowing available view)
- DSK-310637 (padding breaks vertical slider)
- DSK-310874 (IRC "new message" icon on O in dock shows up when the IRC tab is in focus)
- DSK-310892 (Address and search field drop-down scrollbars are always inactive)
- DSK-311491 (Widgets in widget mode are hidden when they loose focus)
- DSK-311598 (Change the definition of the Incomplete Message Toolbar)
- DSK-311597 (Make the Mail Header Toolbar darker)
- DSK-311905 (Typing is slow when there are many bookmarks)
- DSK-312028 (Feeds menu does not update after deleting a feed)
- DSK-312009 (Opening and closing color picker leaves all menus disabled)
- DSK-275860 (Add XZ compressed tarballs to Opera Linux packages)
- DSK-275916 (The new Opera Linux install script should have a '--prefix' option)
- DSK-279779 (Add a --repackage option to make repackaging on FreeBSD, Slackware, Arch, Gentoo, etc. easier)
- DSK-289099 (Opera deb packages should use LZMA)
- DSK-289213 (Should provide a Debian menu file)
- DSK-289655 (Call gtk-update-icon-cache if available after install)
- DSK-290423 (Gnome menus are not updated after a tarball install until DE restart)
- DSK-292953 (Resolve problems caused by hard linking)
- DSK-295486 (Opera package is shown incorrectly in high-level GUI package managers on Debian based distros)
- DSK-295610 (Linux Debian packages should depend on good fonts)
- DSK-301124 (Upgrading via the shell script complains about moving files)
- DSK-306923 (Replace README.txt or LGPL.txt (from lib/opera/gstreamer) with share/doc/opera/README.gstreamer)
- DSK-312507 ('share/icons/hicolor/*/apps/opera-widget.*' icons should be symlinks)
- DSK-302362 (Crash when opening Unite app installation links in background)
- DSK-303370 (Messenger unite app doesn't load the first time)
- Several crash fixes, some discovered from the submitted crashlogs
- CORE-2145 (Filter, combined with opacity affects event detection)
- CORE-8983 (document.cloneNode fires not_supported_err)
- CORE-9143 (navigator.plugins.length > 0 even with no plug-ins used)
- CORE-13767 (NaN, Infinity, -Infinity should be ignored)
- CORE-15154 (Text alignment with text-anchor failing on bidi text)
- CORE-16871 (Allow XML pretty formatting to be turned off, opera:config#UserPrefs|FormatUnstyledXML)
- CORE-21280 (UserJS not visible to debugger)
- CORE-21764 (Adds methods to enable/disable spellcheck and determine if the current spellcheck state has been set by the user.)
- CORE-21769 (Make documentedit aware of the spellcheck attribute.)
- CORE-21878 (navigator.plugins.refresh(true) should reload current document)
- CORE-23517 (White screen is displayed instead of Yahoo if we repeated "history back" and "history forward".)
- CORE-24244 (Performance regression on local ibench in Core 2.4)
- CORE-24819 (Patch for never stop loading bug if favicon is last inline to load and times out)
- CORE-25024 (<text> element in SVG does not default to ltr when directionality is unspecified)
- CORE-25615 (reading location.hash just after setting gives wrong result in body-less document)
- CORE-26286 (Plugin windows don't get removed from the PlugixManager when deleted)
- CORE-26766 (SELECT inherits style from initially selected OPTION)
- CORE-27560 (triple writing HTML of an IFRAME with source that contains script tag freezes JS (TinyMCE))
- CORE-28461 (Memory leak in XMLHttpRequest)
- CORE-28499 (Glyph cache settings as a tweak)
- CORE-28917 (Page auto-scrolls to top when "new" graphics are incorporated)
- CORE-29058 (Painting artifacts with absolute element inside fixed element on scrolling zoomed in page)
- CORE-29090 (Fixed off-by-one bug that caused unnecessary scrolling on areas covered by fixed positioned elements. Related to CORE-29058.)
- CORE-29535 (Ignore reviver argument to JSON.parse if not callable)
- CORE-29829 (Accessing stack before Error is thrown causes it to always be empty)
- CORE-29863 (RegExp matching both alternations when it starts to match both)
- CORE-29887 (crash on qq.com)
- CORE-30053 (Carakan JIT crash)
- CORE-30217 (Crash when opening space.com)
- CORE-30248 (Backtracking fails with . in regexp)
- CORE-30309 (percentage widths on a fixed layout nested table computed incorrectly if there are overflowing descendants)
- CORE-30333 (weird OpenLayers console error when JIT kicks in)
- CORE-30515 ([Crash] Browser is crashed while loading webpage)
- CORE-30523 (Blocked URL should display error page, like when host is not found)
- CORE-30542 (video/audio controls get partially invisible when applying a css transform)
- CORE-30558 (Search for spaces in page matches seemingly random pieces of text)
- CORE-30772 (sina.com.cn crashes when using spatial navigation)
- CORE-30785 (Incorrect handling of writes to alias registers in native loop dispatchers)
- CORE-30909 (Crash after visiting plugin site)
- CORE-30935 (Rounded corners broken when using fix point in libvega)
- CORE-30954 (Implement DOM 3 Core isEqualNode)
- CORE-30958 (lookupPrefix and isDefaultNamespace bugs in IE's dom testsuite)
- CORE-30961 (Implement Event.defaultPrevented from DOM3Events)
- CORE-30963 (Implement CustomEvent from DOM3Events)
- CORE-30967 (Regexp incorrectly work with non-English symbols)
- CORE-30968 (String.concat(): incorrect handling of results of length 1)
- CORE-31031 (Improvements for opera:plugins page)
- CORE-31032 (Disable specific plugins)
- CORE-31081 (-o-content-size regression)
- CORE-31082 (100% height, relatively pos child not expanding on increasing absolutely positioned parent)
- CORE-31128 (Native code crash on interactive map (tre.it))
- CORE-31131 (Crash on www.ernstings-family.de, visibility: collapse row)
- CORE-31142 (When loading an animated png, CPU usage goes high and the browser doesn't respond)
- CORE-31169 (strokeRect() does not accept negative values for width/height)
- CORE-31197 (Runtimes not GC:ed during sunspider run causing too high memory usage)
- CORE-31238 (Opera crashes on a page when voice is enabled.)
- CORE-31295 (Sequential alerts fail, only the first is shown correctly)
- CORE-31441 ("Do you want to run UserJS on secure page" dialog triggers on each reload)
- CORE-31460 (Rounded rectangles in SVG are not rounded)
- CORE-31515 (Page does not respond to input after clicking transparent flash)
- CORE-31638 (the error message "Unable to complete secure transaction" is changed)
- CORE-31651 (Crash on exit)
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